
Ausschreibung Eurocluster


Die Europäische Kommission hat mit nachstehender Nachricht auf die Ausschreibung zur Einreichung von Vorschlägen für das Eurocluster aufmerksam gemacht, die für alle 14 industriellen Ökosysteme geöffnet sind, wobei ein spezifischer Bereich für den Tourismus vorgesehen ist (s.u.). Nähere Informationen finden Sie hier:


Dear stakeholders in the tourism ecosystem,

We would like to draw your attention to the on-going call for Euroclusters, open to all 14 industrial ecosystem strands including tourism: Funding & tenders (

To help in the implementation of the updated industrial strategy, the European Commission has launched around 30 cross-sectoral, interdisciplinary and trans-European strategic Joint Cluster Initiatives to be called ‘Euroclusters’. Clusters are regional ecosystems of related industries and competences featuring a broad array of inter-industry interdependencies.

The European Cluster Collaboration Platform has mapped more than 1200 clusters. You can find them, per industrial ecosystem, here: Industrial Ecosystems | European Cluster Collaboration Platform

The call’s objectives cover the following topics:

  • Network for resilience to improve the resilience of the EU industrial ecosystems by developing value chains interlinkages in the EU Single Market;
  • Innovate for strategic autonomy to build capacity in the most critical supplies and technologies of their ecosystems;
  • Adopt processes and technologies to reinforce transformation into a greener and more digital economy;
  • Train to foster up- and re-skilling of the workforce whilst attracting talents;
  • Go international to boost access to global supply and value chains.

Proposals will be focused on one of the following strands:

One Open Strand inviting proposals focused on cross-fertilisation of various industrial ecosystems with no specific focus on one industrial ecosystem and one strand on tourism.

 Target audience: cluster organisations and cluster networks or other types of organisations supporting green and digital transitions and building EU resilience

Total Available budget (2021-2024): EUR 42 000 000

You can apply here: Funding & tenders ( Deadline: 30 November 2021 17:00:00 Brussels time








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